Does Ecoplate Live up to the Hype?

You may know Warren Huart as a wildly successful English record producer, musician, composer and recording engineer. What you may not know is he also has a massively successful Youtube channel and professional recording academy. Warren brings together experts from all over the world who share his passion for recording and engineering.

We asked Warren to evaluate Ecoplate while we were still in Beta testing. During the process his team provided honest, constructive, professional feedback on GUIs, CPUs and all the other acronyms that help make our luxurious and robust Ecoplate plate reverb plugin. So how did we do? You’ll have to watch to find out.

In this deep dive Warren and his team put Ecoplate to the test. What you’ll love is how they let you really hear the cleanliness and detail in the extra long tails and they provide a few tips and tricks for you to try with the Ecoplate.

If you’d like to learn the history of the original analog Ecoplate Plate Reverb click here. And don’t miss the introductory price on the Ecoplate plate reverb plugin.

Be sure to subscribe to Produce Like a Pro on Youtube and check out Produce Like a Pro Academy.

Read more about the review and win 1 o 3 Ecoplates on the Produce Like A Pro Blog :


Getting Started with Compressors


Plate Reverb Plugins — How Do They Work?